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The teams
VSEs & SMEs most often consider organic growth for their development, sometimes external growth but very rarely a mix of the two, what is called network growth.
Delta Plus is a network of business consultants and expert firms who have chosen to consider networked growth by integrating their multidisciplinary skills, their services, their offers and services within a network that conveys meaning and values.
The relationship between Delta+ and its constituent members is not a Supplier-Customer relationship but an engaging, inclusive and collaborative relationship, both the sharing of know-how and the involvement in the success of the customer.
win-Win Network : ClubPro Delta Plus.
Our network offers you transversal and tailor-made support in one or more of our 10 areas of expertise:
1-Growth Drivers | Leviers de croissance
2-Strategy & Finance
3-Funds | Financements
4-Innovation - R&D
6-Advance Intelligence
7-Energy & Environment
8-Digital Transformation
10-Business coaching
Our network is made up of groups located throughout France and in certain countries abroad.
Each network group is the referent in its geographical location. It is made up of at least 10 members, each representing their area of expertise.
Our network is made up of entrepreneurial members, they are professionals in the management of the different customer relationship cycles, a group consultant is designated as a single point of contact between his group and the customer.
In general, the customer relationship manager is most often the professional concerned by the central and immediate expertise of his customer.
Each group in the network is supported by a coach-manager and a dedicated back office.
The Delta Plus Concept is to offer high-level support in an optimal and relevant customer relationship because the main objective is to help the manager in a fluid and simplified way to move towards success and the production of a sustainable operational performance.
Our main business is advice & support, which is why we have chosen for our clients a selection of partner services and high-end products adapted to their current needs in terms of: Steering & HR, Finance, Marketing, organization and business development. SEE PARTNER PRODUCTS
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